Robert Minton

Firms: Short run vs. long run in the two factor model

Discrete Choice: Compare supply and demand to identify the relevant boundary condition

Investment plans: Interpreted in terms of marginal benefits and marginal costs

Cost Minimization: An empirical measure of output is usually missing from applied utility theory

Price indices: Decomposing expenditure into price and quantity indices

Durable factors: Transitional dynamics from a low capital stock

Diff-in-Diffs: Productivity and wage growth across occupations

Utility maximization: Look at what people do, not what they say

Compensating Differences: Equilibrium rents and allocations

Price-Theoretic Core: Gains from Trade: The monopolist's iso-profit curve in price-quantity space

Progress and Incidence: Summary of incidence results

Policy Seminar with Brian Wheaton

Progress and Incidence: Measures of productivity

Folk on the Lawn 2021

Investment plans: Interpreting the upward sloping supply of investment

Progress and Incidence: The incidence of a capital-income tax

Diff-in-Diffs: What do treatment effects show?

Nudges: Buyer preferences derived from the demand curve

Progress and Incidence: Reasons for productivity growth

Investment plans: Modeling competitive equilibrium problem as a maximization problem

Duality: Demand curves

Progress and Incidence: The corporate tax distorts capital away from the corporate sector

Durable factors: Irrational exuberance vs. Rational unrealized expectations

Investment plans: Reasons for perfectly elastic capital supply; the rate of time preference